Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Бог собирается двигаться...
Мы будем видеть
Небеса на земле...
никогда то же самое,
когда мы возвращаемся
Kriva Rog, Украина

Monday, April 26, 2010

"you give me joy thats unspeakable"
and i like it

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'll be there for you
when the sky falls down
I'll be there for you
when no one's around
I'll be there for you
when there's no way out
and you're down and you frown

I know life won't go your way
and you never know what to say
when you have nothing left
I'll still love you more

I'll be there for you
through your deepest fears
I'll be there for you
'till the smoke clears
I'll be there for you
when you see no end
and your friends are all gone

I know life won't go your way
and you never know what to say
when you have nothing left
I'll still love you more

You could turn your back
or run a thousand miles away
I'll be waiting for you
with nothing left to say but

I'll be there for you
when nothing can go wrong
I'll be there for you
when you sing a joyful song
I'll be there for you
when your smile lights the room
and your gloom is all gone
I know life won't go your way
and you never know what to say
when you have nothing left
I'll still love you more

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

sometimes it takes everything i am to say this,
I LOVE YOU and wish only BLESSINGS for you

Monday, April 19, 2010

today i am thankful for...

New Friends.
they make me laugh when i just need to be silly.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Love is a choice.
A choice to sacrifice or not
A choice to jump or fall
A choice to be honest or lie
A choice of forever or never
A choice that is harder every single day
A choice that not every person can make
but everyone wants to try

Friday, April 16, 2010

Your presence was real.

He touched me,

i didnt feel it, but i knew He was there! :)

this is only the start of something amazing to come.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

"hurting people hurt others"

for this i am sorry.

i will not hurt anymore.

im done hurting.

Jesus is here now.

I can be free.

"hurting people need love"

im here to show it to them.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Jehovah Jireh" - The Lord will provide
"Abraham looked up, and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. So Abraham called that place 'The Lord Will Provide', and to this day it is said. 'on the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.'"
Genesis 22:13-14

Sunday, April 11, 2010

you talked today

like the old me,
and the new me


it was awkward to watch,
i didnt like it

but i guess you can be friends

i wonder what went through your head
when you saw him... when you talked to him??

cause i know there were a million things going through mine

i wonder if we will talk about it

Woke up this morning

feelin' like P Diddy :)

Thursday, April 08, 2010

they say you can choose your friends
but you cant choose your family...
even if i could i would still choose both of you
cause even though we fight,
and argue over stupid things alot...
you are my world,
we have each others backs through thick and thin
when i need you the most,
i know i can look over my shoulder and you will be there
cheering me on
you are the best big sister and little brother anyone could ask for

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

today was a stormy day.
it rained, with thunder and lightening.

usually i would be scared.
but i thought back to when you would hold me in your arms.

you taught me that the thunder meant that God was bowling.
that the lightening meant God was turning on his lights.

you taught me that the rain that looked like it was destroying the earth,
was actually giving the beautiful flowers and trees a drink of fresh water.

you taught me to look at the possitive side of the storm,
and of life.

you have been gone for over a year now,
but today you were here.

you came in with the storm,
to encourage me to see the brighter possitive side of things.

i miss you ♥

I wish distance didnt exsist.

I wish i could see you grow up.

I wish we could talk.

im scared you wont know who i am.

i love you very much.

Jewels and Owie ♥

One of my rules of friendship is that it be a two-way street.
This means that if I have someone as my friend,
they must put forward the same amount of effort and love that i put into it.
and if they haven't after a few weeks or months done this,
and blamed me for a falling out
then I will reevaluate the "friendship."

Monday, April 05, 2010

holy spirit hangovers...
feels pretty much the same as a drunken hang over,
but somehow you feel more complete.
Thank you Jesus.

thank you :)

thank you
for making me open up
and show you the deepest place in my heart

thank you for caring
enough to look past my walls
and see the person that i wanna be

thank you for showing me
everyone in the world is not the same
there are people that care for you

thank you for not judging me
when you had all the right in the world
to take my heart and smash it

thank you for talking
about the hard things in life
like everyone goes through them
it reminds me i am not alone

thank you for being
who God called you to be
and not focusing on the negative

thank you for praying for me
and my best friend
we both need Jesus
and you help with that

thank you for letting us walk your dog

thank you for not sitting back
and watching the bull shit continue
im glad you have the nerve to do something about it

thank you for gaining my trust
its not just everyday someone does that

thank you for being honest
and not sugar-coating everything
like most people do

thank you for waiting
till im ready
and when its Jesus' timing

thank you for last night

Friday, April 02, 2010

I remember years ago
Someone told me
I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did, I did
And you were strong
and I was not
My illusion, my mistake
I was careless,
I forgot
I did
And now when all is done
There is nothing to say
You have gone and so effortlessly
You have won
You can go ahead tell them

Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof top
Write it on the sky love
All we had is gone now
Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken
All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be

Falling out of love is hard
Falling for betrayal is worst
Broken trust and broken hearts
I know, I know
Thinking all you need is there
Building faith on love is worst
Empty promises will wearI know
And know when all is gone
There is nothing to say
And if you're done with embarrassing me
On your own you can go ahead tell them

I remember years ago
Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love

im scared for you to know
everytime someone does
i get the same reaction
and it makes me scared to even talk to you
cause i dont wanna be you friend
if its just gonna hurt me in the end.

ive been through enough hurt.
thats what i think,

you could either make me or break me..
sorry thats in your hands.

please dont be like the rest of them.