Monday, May 17, 2010

Its the little things you do.
Its the gestures you make.
Its the messages you send.
Its the Voicemails I recieve.
Its the times we talk.
Its the notes you leave.
Its the time you take out of your day.

Its all these things...

They are the reason...

I HURT... please stop.

Friday, May 14, 2010

today i felt close to you.
like you werent gone to a place far away.
Like you were here with me
walking and talking,
dancing and singing.
Im pretty sure thats where i get my love for music
from you.
Im happy for that.
I know you could see them.
I know you could feel them.
why didnt you tell me about them,
while you still had the chance?
Now your gone...
I cant talk to you about it.
and quite frankly,
you are the only one who wouldnt think I was crazy.
Well, at least out of the people with the same blood as me.
I miss you.
but i can feel you.
Mostly when it rains.
I dont want the rain to stop.

once again..
i give it to you God.

i know i have to do this alot..
thank you for taking it every time

you are my rock

i love you.

like a best friend would.

i need you to know that i am here for you.

even if you dont want the same things.

i forgive you.

for hurting me, and continuing to do so.

one day I know you will see.

I pray for you daily.

i love you.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

your perfect child didnt come...

...get over that i make mistakes

Monday, May 10, 2010

I WISH ... you werent so dramatic
I WISH ... you were the person I could talk to
I WISH ... you saw how beautiful you truely are
I WISH ... you would stop hurting yourself
I WISH ... you could admit your mistakes
I WISH ... you could see how much God loves you
I WISH ... you were open to dealing with this
I WISH ... I could tell you how much you mean to me
I WISH ... you wouldnt say such hurtful things
I WISH ... you would see that its not about you
I WISH ... we would hang out more
I WISH ... you could believe in the same Jesus as I do
I WISH ... you had more time for me
I WISH ... you werent always mad at me
I WISH ... you could put the computer away
I WISH ... you were home more
I WISH ... for you to see THEM too
I WISH ... you would never loose yourself
I WISH ... you could understand me
I WISH ... you could trust me
I WISH ... you could see how much HE loves you
I WISH ... I could explain to you what is going on
I WISH ... you didnt have to go
I WISH ... I could know if you could see Angels too
I WISH ... everything wasnt such a big secret
I WISH ... you could love me as much as you love her
I WISH ... blessings for you

I cant say this to your face..
not because I cant muster up the nerve,
but because I have no way to contact you.
for that I am truely hurt,
because together we could have been unstoppable.

Im sorry for the way I ignored you,
like the other people around me were better.
Im sorry for the way I responded when you talked to me,
You deserved better than that.
Im sorry that I broke you more times than one.. actually more than I can count,
that was selfish of me.
Im sorry I lead you to believe certain things about me.. but more importantly things about yourself.
Im glad you are still strong.
Im sorry for embarrassing you repeatedly,
I was hurting too.
Im sorry I left you out, and justified it to myself and other people.
I realize now you needed to be included more than anything.
Im sorry I shut you out every time someone new came around, and I wanted to spend more time with them.
You were the bigger person when the "new" friends hurt me, and I turned to you with tears.
but most of all,
Im sorry we dont talk anymore.
I miss you..
and wonder everyday what my life would be like if you were still here.
If you were still around..
if you were still the shoulder I could cry on.
I wish you lots of blessings in your new life.
I wish we didnt have to be so far apart
not only in distance, but in heart.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Frustration - frus·tra·tion

* a feeling of dissatisfaction, often accompanied by anxiety or depression, resulting from unfulfilled needs or unresolved problems.

Anger - an·ger

*a strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence aroused by a wrong; wrath; ire.

Instead of this.. please show me to love

* a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

* a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
* sexual passion or desire.
* a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.
* (used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to see a movie, love?

* a love affair; an intensely amorous incident; amour.
* sexual intercourse; copulation.
* (initial capital letter) a personification of sexual affection, as Eros or Cupid.
* affectionate concern for the well-being of others: the love of one's neighbor.
* strong predilection, enthusiasm, or liking for anything: her love of books.
* the object or thing so liked: The theater was her great love.
* the benevolent affection of
god for His creatures, or the reverent affection due from them to God.
* Chiefly Tennis. a score of zero; nothing.
* a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter L.

–verb (used with object)
* to have love or affection for: All her pupils love her.
* to have a profoundly tender, passionate affection for (another person).
* to have a strong liking for; take great pleasure in: to love music.
* to need or require; benefit greatly from: Plants love sunlight.
* to embrace and kiss (someone), as a lover.
* to have sexual intercourse with.

–verb (used without object)
* to have love or affection for another person; be in love. —Verb phrase
* love up, to hug and cuddle: She loves him up every chance she gets. —Idioms
* for love,
a. out of affection or liking; for pleasure.
b. without compensation; gratuitously: He took care of the poor for love.
* for the love of, in consideration of; for the sake of: For the love of mercy, stop that noise.
* in love, infused with or feeling deep affection or passion: a youth always in love.

* in love with, feeling deep affection or passion for (a person, idea, occupation, etc.); enamored of: in love with the girl next door; in love with one's work.
* make love,
a. to embrace and kiss as lovers.
b. to engage in sexual activity.
* no love lost, dislike; animosity: There was no love lost between the two brothers.

Thursday, May 06, 2010


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


Wednesday, May 05, 2010


Monday, May 03, 2010

I would like to understand you.
To know what you think.
What goes through your brain?
How do you think it is ok?
How do you think that your lifestyle is helping people?
You hurt me and my friends very close to me.
Its not ok anymore.
Im sorry.
We need to stand loving one another.
I am learning how.
Its days like today I dont know if I can.