I cant say this to your face..
not because I cant muster up the nerve,
but because I have no way to contact you.
for that I am truely hurt,
because together we could have been unstoppable.
Im sorry for the way I ignored you,
like the other people around me were better.
Im sorry for the way I responded when you talked to me,
You deserved better than that.
Im sorry that I broke you more times than one.. actually more than I can count,
that was selfish of me.
Im sorry I lead you to believe certain things about me.. but more importantly things about yourself.
Im glad you are still strong.
Im sorry for embarrassing you repeatedly,
I was hurting too.
Im sorry I left you out, and justified it to myself and other people.
I realize now you needed to be included more than anything.
Im sorry I shut you out every time someone new came around, and I wanted to spend more time with them.
You were the bigger person when the "new" friends hurt me, and I turned to you with tears.
but most of all,
Im sorry we dont talk anymore.
I miss you..
and wonder everyday what my life would be like if you were still here.
If you were still around..
if you were still the shoulder I could cry on.
I wish you lots of blessings in your new life.
I wish we didnt have to be so far apart
not only in distance, but in heart.
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